A Very Grammatical Family Highlights

December 8-11, 2008

Performance Photos


Billy Brown			Thomas
Mrs. Brown			Karlie
Mr. Memory			Rajan
Miss Common Sense		Amy
Mr. Noun			Shanel
Mr. Pronoun			Emily
Mr. Verb			Taylar
Mr. Adverb			Sukhmani
Miss Also Adverb			Charity
Miss Adjective			Karlie
Miss Interjection			Shanel
Miss Preposition			Sukhmani
School Teacher Miss Quill		Rajan
School Children			Taylar, Shanel, Emily
				Charity, Sukhmani, Thomas
Pre Recorded Voice		Teacher



Lighting Designer

Sound Designer

Ms. MacCulloch         

Director’s Assistant
Tristan and Chantalle     

Mr. Swaddling

Ms. Campagnolo

House Manager
Ms. Dietrich

Director’s Notes:
Here is something new in the way of plays– one that teaches the parts of speech by dramatizing their actions in a lively play. 
Billy hates his English and like most children in elementary school he finds it almost impossible to understand what the parts of speech are. 
But the eight parts of speech come to his rescue. They quickly show him how and what to do. 
For many of us in the older generation we can relate to Mr. Memorize. We were told to simply memorize and not ask questions. 
Never mind whether we understood or not, we simply memorized the rules. 
Today the pendulum may have swung too far in the other direction where we believe they will just learn by osmosis. 
The battle between common sense and memorizing still rages in classrooms today. 
This little comedy sheds some light on the subject and gets us thinking not only about speech, but which method of learning actually works. 
We leave you to be the judge. 
In the meantime, maybe, just maybe, you will learn something about the English language as you laugh and listen to our tale.

Scene 1
An average classroom in an average school somewhere in an average city.
Scene 2
The living room in the home of Billy Brown

Story by: Albert Carriere
Produced by special arrangement with
The Dramatic Publishing Company
Woodstock Illinois
All Rights Reserved